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Introducing our 2022 Scholarship Award Recipients!

Samantha Arp – Through the study of English

and Writing as a discipline, I have gained a more developed understanding of the world that surrounds me. Engaging in conversations that have been continuing for centuries and learning how to contribute meaningfully allows me to value the opinions of my neighbor while also solidifying my own convictions. Most importantly, seeking excellence in language opens the door for respectable, Christian thought to contend in a field where that perspective is scarce

Ernest James – It is an honor to be selected as the Citadel's Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship Recipient. The liberal arts have had a profound influence on my life, especially in the areas of Math and Philosophy. Studying the liberal arts has given me a new and renewed appreciation for the wonders of Creation and the beauty of numbers and logic. It has enabled me to develop a stronger conscience and given me a solid foundation of logic from which to grow as a person. I hope to use the lessons learned from the liberal arts to prepare myself to commission as an officer in the Navy upon graduation and then to use those lessons to educate others as a teacher later in life.

Anna Walter – I have always been interested in current events and the circumstances that created them, and for that reason I am currently double majoring in History and International Studies at the College of Charleston. I chose to go to CofC because, as a liberal arts college, it prioritizes curiosity and critical thinking. My majors, as well as the learning environment at CofC, have been a great combination of my existing interests and the analytical skills honed by a liberal arts education..

Carolyne Chardac - . I am drawn to the beauty found in architecture, art and design, which is a reflection of the literature, culture and philosophy of various periods in history. A liberal arts education is essential in maintaining and restoring the decorative arts, namely ornamental plasterwork for my career and future.


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